
Parents, online learning began this week. We are thrilled that students are engaging in learning and with teachers directly using their online tools. 

If your child is not able to log into the Summit platform or the Google Classroom, please a ticket to the Technology Help Desk using the button below or email the principal at j.parker@fullercollegiate.org


Our building may be closed, but learning is underway

Each week students must submit assignments for every class. When they do so, they are one week closer to being promoted or to graduation. If they miss an assignment, they are off track. We want 100% of our scholars learning right now. 

Each week students must submit assignments for every class. When they do so, they are one week closer to being promoted or to graduation. If they miss an assignment, they are off track. We want 100% of our scholars learning right now. Please reach out if you need our help.

For more information including grade level assignments, teacher office hours and technology support please follow the link below.