
Spring Break: Online learning resumes on Tuesday, April 14

#WATCH Sherlean, a senior at Dr. Howard Fuller Collegiate Academy shared this inspiring check-in this week. We are privileged to have such amazing scholars, dedicated parents, and awesome teachers coming together and leading the way!

Thank You

Friday, April 10, 2020

Dear Academy Family,

I would like to take a moment to shout out everyone who has stepped up during this Covid-19 crisis. It has been extremely encouraging to see our scholars, parents, staff, board, and community to sidestep obstacles and come together to support each other and during this time of crisis.

Even though our building has been closed since March 15, the learning goes on. Our teachers are continuing to prepare online learning opportunities for our scholars and reach out each week to connect with parents and scholars to provide support. Within the last two weeks, over 200 of our scholars have accomplished what they have needed to in order to move towards graduation or promotion. Many of our alumni have returned from their respective college campuses to Milwaukee and are continuing their studies online.

Our family’s success-no-matter-what approach proves that success is in the Dr. Howard Fuller Collegiate Academy’s DNA. This speaks volumes considering this virus is attacking us, physically and economically, most of all. We will not be moved, changed, or defeated.

Teachers and parents, I am so grateful for every single sacrifice that each of you are making to ensure the success of your children. Scholars and Alumni, I applaud your grit and innovation as you push ahead despite distractions and obstacles. And to our Board, I know that your vision and reach will continue to clear our path from the challenges this crisis brings now and in the days ahead.

We have a while to go before we are back together, but when we do come together again it will be a celebration of our optimism, love, and strength. We will overcome this together!

Educationally Yours,

Judith Parker, Principal


Faculty and Staff Directory

To reach a faculty or staff member using email, please use the link below for our Faculty and staff directory.

Technology Help Desk

HFCA students and staff should submit a ticket to Technology Help Desk if they are experiencing issues with technology. For Chromebook check-outs, please contact j.parker@fullercollegiate.org.

Counseling Support

Scholars can request an appointment with our Guidance Department by clicking the link below.

Dr. Howard Fuller Collegiate Academy

4030 N. 29th Street,
Milwaukee, WI 53216
PHONE: (414) 873-4014
FAX: (414) 873-4344
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.

Judith Parker, Principal

© since 2013 by Dr. Howard Fuller Collegiate Academy

Our Eight Character Strengths

  • Love
  • Optimism
  • Zest
  • Social Intelligence
  • Grit
  • Curiosity
  • Self Control
  • Gratitude
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